DuroMax Giving Back
Thousands of Americans depend on life-saving medical equipment to keep them alive. For these people, a power outage is much more than a temporary inconvenience; it can have potentially fatal consequences. We understand how vital a backup power solution is, and the peace of mind that comes with it. That’s why we’ve partnered with Chive Charities to find and help those who are in need of a reliable backup power solution.

Tiffany could not believe what she was hearing. She stared incredulously at the phone in her hand, a lump forming at the back of her throat and tears stinging her eyes as the geneticist on the other end of the line struggled to find the right words. Eventually, he paused and delivered a diagnosis Tiffany suspected was coming but never could have prepared for.

When you think about making a life better, what comes to your mind? Do you think about no debt? Better health? More connections to friends and family? Quality of life can mean so many different things to so many different people. When we pull the curtain back on our Chive Charities recipients, we see how granular that can get.

You’ve likely met someone before who just shines with a brighter light. There are just certain people who have it. That extra glimmer that illuminates them from the inside out, bringing positivity and effervescence to every interaction. The joy bubbles out of them, a happiness that can’t be crushed, a grin never far from their lips.

At 6:14am on Sunday, September 20, 2017, the sun had just risen in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sixty seconds later, the deadliest Atlantic Hurricane of the 21st century...

There are times in your life when circumstances threaten to bring you to your knees. We all have our thresholds. Sometimes, it feels like we’re standing precariously close to the edge, waiting for one slight gust of wind to push us over. Other times, we’re on the other side, feet planted firmly on the ground, heads tilted back, arms wide. The wind still blows, but we can’t be moved. Unshakable....