DuroMax is first and foremost an engine manufacturer: At the heart of all our products resides a robust DuroMax engine designed to provide you with the most power.
From our best-selling portable generators to our water pumps and pressure washers, you can easily spot our powerful DuroMax engines with our signature D-recoil.

Heavy Duty OHV Engines
We utilize cast iron cylinder sleeves to prevent excessive wear and tear from the piston, compared to aluminum and non-sleeved engines. Our stainless steel ball bearings last up to twice as long as needle bearings used in other engines.

Power Your Adventures
Our engines are excellent for custom builds and are ideal for powering go karts, minibikes, ATVs, boats, and more.
Get creative – we’ll supply the power.
See How Our Customers Use Their DuroMax Engines!

Dual Fuel Engines
Your favorite engines, now with equipped with Dual Fuel Technology. The same power you love, now with the ability to run on gasoline and propane.